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Why ELISA Kits?

Published On 09/20/2019 1:45 AM

Reddot Biotech Inc.

Copyright © Reddot Biotech Inc. 2018-2019 All rights reserved

With so many new products and technologies being developed and improved upon, it can be challenging to decide what products best suit your experiments. There are a few reasons why ELISA kits are still so popular and in widespread use across the world today.

       The ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) technique has been around for quite a while, in terms of science innovation. During this time, it has only gotten more refined and effective. Many ELSIA kits found on the market today are extremely sensitive and highly specific. You can find kits to detect picogram quantities of your analyte of interest. This can be extremely helpful when dealing with or looking for very small amounts of a substance. Most ELISA kits are also very specific for the particular analyte of interest, making them more accurate and eliminating uncertainty about your results.

       Another important advantage of ELISA kits, especially pre-coated, ready to use kits, is that they are fast and easy to use. It can be time-consuming, difficult and expensive to make your own ELISA kits when you need to find and label your antibodies for each specific target. With a pre-made kit, all you need to worry about is your sample. ELISA kits also allow for use of complex samples with minimal sample preparation. Users are able to test blood, tissue, cell lysates, and other biological fluids with ease. This wide variety of accepted samples means that ELISA kits can also be used to screen for diseases, drugs, and even allergens in food across a wide variety of disciplines.

       Reddot Biotech is excited to offer many different types of ELISA kits in both sandwich and competitive inhibition format. This allows us to manufacture kits that detect antibodies, antigens, and other types of small molecules for many different research needs. We are also pleased to offer our new ‘Ready-To-Use’ ELISA kit format that improves even more upon the ease of use of Traditional ELISA kits. You can browse our full collection of kits here.

Questions or comments? Feel free to contact us here, or email us at If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact us today to see if we can make a custom kit to fit your research needs.

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