Epithelial Cell Medium is a complete medium designed for the culture of epithelial cells. It was tested and optimized with epithelial cell growth and proliferation in VItro. It is formulated for use with 5% CO2 and 95% air in a humidified incubator.The medium consists of 500 ml of basal medium (containing essential and non-essential amino acids, VItamins, organic and inorganic compounds, hormones, growth factors, trace minerals), supplemented with epithelial cell growth supplement, antibiotics, and fetal boVIne serum.Epithelial Cell Medium Supplement Kit includes:- 0.5 ML RI-Transferrin-Selenium (ITS)- 0.5 ML EGF- 5.0 ML L-Glutamine- 5.0 ML Antibiotic-Antimycotic Solution- 10.0 ML FBS*Before use, add Supplement Kit into 500ml basal medium.
Primary Cells
For research use only
Ice pack and dry ice.
Store The Basal Medium At 2-8°C. Store Endothelial Cell Growth Supplement, Fetal BoVIne Serum (FBS) And Antibiotics At -20°C. The Complete Cell Culture Medium With Supplement Kit Can Be Kept In 4°C For Two Months. Protect From Light.To Assure Sterility After 2 Weeks Or If There Is Conce That Sterility Was Compromised During The Supplementation Process, The Prepared Medium May Be Refiltered With A 0.2 Um Filter.
Quality Control
All cells test negatIVe for mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, and fungi.
Reviews of Mouse Epithelial Cell culture Medium Kit