The transgelin family is a group of proteins that belong to 22kd actin-related calponin superfamily. Of all three isoforms, transgelin 1 is the best characterized. Transgelin 1, also known as SM22alpha, is a specific marker for differentiated smooth muscle cells. Transgelin 2, also known as SM22 beta, is expressed by both smooth muscle and non-smooth muscle cells in a temporally and spatially regulated patte. Trangenlin 3, also known as NP25, is only found in highly differentiated neuronal cells. This antibody was generated against full length transgelin 1 protein. It can cross-react with other two transgelins based on the sequence similarity.
Primary Antibodies
The transgelin family is a group of proteins that belong to 22kd actin-related calponin superfamily. Of all three isoforms, transgelin 1 is the best characterized. Transgelin 1, also known as SM22alpha, is a specific marker for differentiated smooth muscle cells. Transgelin 2, also known as SM22 beta, is expressed by both smooth muscle and non-smooth muscle cells in a temporally and spatially regulated patte. Trangenlin 3, also known as NP25, is only found in highly differentiated neuronal cells. This antibody was generated against full length transgelin 1 protein. It can cross-react with other two transgelins based on the sequence similarity.