CGB is the beta subunit of the human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG). hCG is a complex glycoprotein composed of two glycosylated subunits alpha and beta which are non-covalently associated. The alpha-subunit is identical to the pituitary gonadotropin hormones(LH, FSH and TSH). The beta-subunits are distinct in each of the hormones and confer receptor and biological specificity. It has an essential role for pregnancy and mateal adaptation. hCGB stimulates the ovaries to synthesize the steroids that are essential for the maintenance of pregnancy.
Primary Antibodies
CGB is the beta subunit of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). hCG is a complex glycoprotein composed of two glycosylated subunits alpha and beta which are non-covalently associated. The alpha- subunit is identical to the pituitary gonadotropin hormones (LH, FSH and TSH). The beta-subunits are distinct in each of the hormones and confer receptor and biological specificity. It has an essential role for pregnancy and mateal adaptation. hCGB stimulates the ovaries to synthesize the steroids that are essential for the maintenance of pregnancy.