The UniversAll™ Tissue Extraction Kits contain all the reagents necessary to rapidly extract genomic DNA from a wide range of biological samples prior to amplifying targets of interest by PCR. Genomic DNA is extracted from a small number of samples simply by incubation in UniversAll™ Extraction buffer for 10 minutes at 95 °C. The UniversAll™ Tissue Extraction Kits offers a novel one-step UniversAll™ Extract buffer that eliminates the need for a freezing of cells or tissues with liquid nitrogen, mechanical disruption, organic extraction, column DNA purification, or alcohol precipitation.
This item was designed for fast extracting the genomic DNA from animal tissues such as the tissue of mouse tails or ears, and avoiding the PCR inhibitors from tissues to interfere the subsequent PCR process.
Simple :
single-step extraction of genomic DNA to PCR. No phenol/chloroform.
Fast :
cells or tissues to PCR in 10 minutes.
Convenient :
includes our superior PCR enzymes and buffers for amplification directly from the extract for your convenience.
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